Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Friday, y'all!

It was the last day of school today! We are all pretty excited about it here at our house. The boys, for obvious reasons, and the camp guy and I because we are now officially relieved of our PTA/classroom volunteering responsibilities! Whee! Why does it take summer to give us the excuse we need to slow down and be less harried? For the camp guy summer is especially a busy time, but it's busy in a different way than the rest of the year.

I hope that you get a chance to slow down at least a little this summer. Write back and let me know what you do to take things just a bit easier this season. Or if you don't get to take the summer off, how do you make the most of your weekend relaxation?


Blog Hopping Again!

1 comment:

  1. I am exited too for sleeping in and making the kids clean up the house.HAHAHHA
    But love sitting outside and watch them play and relax :)
    Happy Friday Follow, following your blog. Come say hi and follow me back!


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